If you are a job-seeker, or a company
with positions to fill, why not try recruitment agencies based in Western
Australia? You can turn to a Headhunter which is Australia based or Executive
job search WA based. A professional job placement agency will be able
to help applicants to find and select jobs which match the applicant’s skills
and experience, to the agencies’ lists of available jobs. However, applicants
should be aware that they should utilize their time wisely and only select
agencies which can help them in their individual circumstances.
Some agencies only cover jobs in their
local area. Many agencies operate
nationally or even globally, whereas others will focus only on more local or
regional opportunities. Many specialize
in particular skill-sets for particular industries or services. Clearly, the applicant should consider the
level of expertise that the individual agency is able to offer. Much will depend on the individual’s needs as
to whether they are only able to consider jobs in a particular town or city
location, or whether they are able to re-locate either nationally or even
overseas. It is well worth the applicant
making sure that the agencies they are applying through have the right levels
of industry sector knowledge and on the job role types, as well as having good
knowledge of the specific employer(s).
Some agencies will have specialist experience to help an individual on
their overseas applications.
Again, good agencies should be capable
of advising applicants on the scarcity and appropriateness of their skills so
that will begin to set the expectations around market value, remuneration
packages or pay rates.
For the agency to be successful in helping
applicants, they will need essential information, normally captured in the form
of curriculum vitae (CV), plus suitable references and school or university
records and certificates. Applicants
should also expect to discuss their CV directly with the agency consultant to
ensure a thorough understanding exists on the needs of the applicant and the
needs of the potential employers. This
might require elaboration or emphasis of particular parts of the CV or the job
details to ensure it is attractive to the prospective employer.
Applicants should expect a professional and fast
service from the respective agency consultant.
Speed in the process is important as jobs are competitive and the
opportunities may not stay vacant for very long. It is worth confirming with the consultant if
they have an exclusive arrangement with the prospective employer, since if not,
other candidates may be presented from other competing agencies.
Agencies earn their fees from the prospective
employers, not the applicants, so it is in their interest to quickly place the
best prospects in front of the employers.
Applicants should work with the agencies to better understand what the
competition is likely to be in applying for a role. Engaging a professional job
agency is nowadays an essential step in finding the right job in the right
location, especially considering the high competition among many job seekers.
Content is originally syndicated from: http://goo.gl/PjQxzH